Friday, February 11, 2011

How Can I Stop Eating So Much? The Top Ten Weight Loss Chart

Losing weight can seem so difficult at times. There are highs and lows, peaks and troughs. Some weeks you will lose a few pounds and then you seem to hit a plateau and weeks have passed with the scale hardly budging. So, how can I stop eating so much and get my weekly weight loss to be a steady and regular amount?

Here is a top ten countdown to number 1 that will help you do just that.

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posted by Zuma2

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Can I Stop Eating So Much? Stimulate Your Serotonin

What if there was a way that you could lose weight fast without requiring masses of will power, a way that didn't mean giving up your favourite foods? A way that actually encouraged you to snack on things such as potato chips and candy, would you be interested in that?

Sounds too good to be true doesn't it?  read more

posted by Zuma2

Friday, February 4, 2011

How Can I Stop Eating So Much? Try Resistant Starches

Well resistant starches will help a great deal in the battle to lose weight fast and the struggle with what can often seem constant hunger.

What are Resistant Starches?

Resistant starches are carbohydrates.

But am I allowed to eat carbs? I thought they were fattening? read more

posted by Zuma2

Drinking vegetable juice boosts weight loss

New studies have suggested that drinking V8 100 per cent vegetable juice may be a simple way for people to increase their vegetable intake and may help them manage their weight. read more

posted by Zuma2

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Can I Stop Eating So Much High Fructose Corn Syrup?

Well, it could be difficult, particularly if you live in the US, where it is added to many of the foods that are on the supermarket shelves.

What is High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)?

It is a sweetening agent that is used to sweeten foods. It started to be used in the late 1970's and is a combination of glucose and fructose which is extracted from corn and then highly processed to give a substance that is far cheaper than sucrose and also far sweeter.

What are the concerns with HFCS?

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posted by Zuma2

Eating Disorders – Stop Emotional Eating

What is emotional eating? Emotional eating can be said to occur when we eat to satisfy a desire other than physical hunger. Emotional eating usually takes place when a person is depressed or angry, stressed or vulnerable. It can be triggered in response to some distressing news, an argument with a loved one or simply boredom. There are any numbers of reasons that can send us heading straight for the cookie jar...

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posted by Zuma2